Tuesday 24 May 2011

She's the Man

During Pre-production after choosing the film, Sarah, Megan and I watched parts of She’s the Man, picking the scene we most liked and were able to remake. I transcripted the scene to create an accurate script needed for the production, as Sarah and Megan drew a storyboard, taking detailed notes on shots, equipment and costumes needed. Throughout this, we decided who would have each role during the production stage. For instance who would play who and who would film each scene.

Being unable to find a script for the film on the internet meant I had to spend time transcripting out every vocal detail of the scene. Figuring out who would bring what part of each costume also became a bit of a problem as we had to bring parts for different characters costume.
Our Production of She’s the Man we found the location for our film set, the music practice room. Here, we were less likely to be disturbed, were able to create a somewhat precise setting for the scene and was the appropriate size. After going over our lines a few times, Sarah and I began filming as Megan was in most of the shots. It was great fun filming as we put our knowledge to the test to create a good re-production of this scene.

Despite how good everything was going, we accidentally recorded over lines we had previously filmed. After re-doing many, we still managed to miss some certain lines that we were then unable to re-do. My trip to China also imposed some problems for the group as we had to commence filming early and complete my lines as swift as we could. Getting the props in the right order each time and making sure my characters sleeves were down as in some they were up, also became an issue causing us to re-film multiple times. Other challenges that occurred such as no mirror or photo were soon fixed by drawing a picture and using a light reflector to solve our dilemma.
Post-Production involve countless editing hours as we learnt how to use iMovie, ordered our shots, created the music and added the credits to finalized our work, completing it on time.

Not knowing of our mistake made during the production, we found out we had taped over lines, causing some of the shots to be out of place. Using Garage Band to add an acoustic guitar melody, we fixed our problem of the loud background sounds caused by the neighbouring classes during production. It added a new feel to the scene, so it was a great solution.